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ISSN 2955-2117
EISSN 2955-2133
Journal DOI

Clinical Trials in the Republic of Serbia after 2020

Kire Stojkovski


Evgenija Dameska-Stojkovska

UMBAL St Anna, Sofia R.Bulgaria

Vladimir Stojkovski

GOB 8 September, Skopje, Republic of N. Macedonia

Mihail Petrov Mihaylov

Skin Line, Sofia, R. Bulgaria



pp. 15-21 in OAIJARU Vol.2 No. 2


A clinical trial as a prospective study comparing the effects and value of interventions against a control in human beings. Unlike animal studies, in clinical trials the researchers are not able to dictate what an individual should do. The researcher can only strongly encourage participants to avoid certain procedures or medications which might interfere with the trial. There are several ways of differentiating the clinical trials. In general, the division in phases of clinical trials is accepted at most. There are four phases of clinical trials. Another way that the Clinical Trials are divided is in the type of study. There are two possibilities: Interventional type of clinical trials – During these studies, the patients are receiving intervention, and the team of researchers is evaluating the outcome of the intervention. This usually occurs during phase 3 of a clinical trial. Observational type of clinical trials – During these studies, the patients do not receive any intervention, they’re just observed by clinical team for possible not reported Adverse Events. This usually occurs during phase 4 of a clinical trial. During a Clinical trial the investigators teams are trying to find eligible patients for the study, so all the possible benefits that are indicated in the study protocol will be studied.

Keywords: clinical Trials, clinical Studies, phases, types

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ISSN 2955-2117
EISSN 2955-2133
Journal DOI
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Publisher: Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Tong Da Tang TCM, Skopje R.N. Macedonia
