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ISSN 2955-2117
EISSN 2955-2133
Journal DOI

Care and treatment of patients with diabetic foot-Statistical analysis

Jovana Mitovska

University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Bitola, Republic N. Macedonia


UDC: 616.379-008.64-06:617.586(497.7)”2020/2022”

pp. 11-17 in OAIJARU Vol.2 No. 1


Diabetic foot is a complication of diabetes and is a set of bone and soft tissue changes in the foot. About 15% of diabetics get diabetic gangrene. It can lead to serious complications, amputation, as a result of neuropathy and peripheral vascular diseases. Diabetic foot can be of the following types: neuroischemic foot (impaired vascularization with neuropathy) and neuropathic foot (neuropathy predominates), infection can be an additional problem. The first degree of the diabetic foot is the loss of sensitivity, the person does not feel injuries, the existence of wounds, injuries and the development of ulcers. The second degree is the motor component, there is atrophy of the muscles of the foot, which results in deformation of the foot. The third degree changes the skin, it becomes dry and cracks easily, which is an entrance door for infections. The best prevention of the occurrence of diabetic foot is strict glycemic control and education of the patient. Maintaining glycemic control includes dietary regimen, home monitoring of glycemia and appropriate use of prescribed medications

Keywords: diabetic foot, treatment, amputation, classification, prevention

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ISSN 2955-2117
EISSN 2955-2133
Journal DOI
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Publisher: Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Tong Da Tang TCM, Skopje R.N. Macedonia
