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ISSN 2955-2117
EISSN 2955-2133
Journal DOI

Аllocation of human resources for accurate management of the environment in the municipality

Aleksandra Dimitrievska Avramovska

University "Skopje", Republic of N. Macedonia

Municipality Gazi Baba

Jana Ilieva

University "Skopje", Republic of N. Macedonia

Blagica Arsovska

Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine “Tong Da Tang”, Republic of N. Macedonia

Jihe Zhu

Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine “Tong Da Tang”, Republic of N. Macedonia

University "Skopje", Republic of N. Macedonia

Aco Todosovski

"Robotika Tim, Ltd." Skopje



pp. 28-41 in OAIJARU Vol.1 No. 3


An important function in every organization is the management of human resources. The problem treated in the master's thesis is: the inadequate allocation of human resources in the municipality reflects negatively on the management of environmental protection activities. The phenomenon (area) of research in this paper is: management of intellectual capital. The wholes are in harmony with the problem, which in individual parts is scientifically and expertly researched and explained, with the aim of a more exact understanding of the subject of research. The protection of the environment is a topic that is increasingly imposed and affects all citizens without exception. The long-term neglect of the environment has led to a situation in which citizens will wonder what kind of air they breathe, what kind of food they eat and what kind of water they drink. Of course, the question of the appearance of the environment seriously concerns them. For the conducted research, a survey questionnaire was specially prepared for the employees in the municipalities of Skopje. The research included 100 respondents from among the employees randomly selected from different positions in the organizational structure. The survey was conducted in the month of May, 2023. The survey questionnaire is of closed type. The research instruments that were used during the research, as well as a tabular display of the final results obtained in each part of the research procedure, are attached to the paper in its entirety. A tabular display is also shown for grouped data in the interest of proving the variables, and thus the hypotheses.

Keywords: management, allocation of human resources, social responsibility, living environment

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ISSN 2955-2117
EISSN 2955-2133
Journal DOI
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Publisher: Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Tong Da Tang TCM, Skopje R.N. Macedonia
