Acupuncture treatment in supracondylar fracture of the left humerus
Jihe Zhu
Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine “Tong Da Tang”, Republic of N. Macedonia
University "Skopje", Republic of N. Macedonia
Blagica Arsovska
Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine “Tong Da Tang”, Republic of N. Macedonia
Kristina Kozovska
Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine “Tong Da Tang”, Republic of N. Macedonia
Julijana Velkovska
Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine “Tong Da Tang”, Republic of N. Macedonia
The humerus is a long bone in the upper limb that forms the shoulder joint above and the elbow joint below, where it articulates with projections of the ulna and the radius. According to TCM, fractures of any kind can be treated with acupuncture. Acupuncture treatments can be started after all acute care steps have been completed, such as x-rays, surgery, medication for pain management, etc. The key treatment principles for fractures are to relieve swelling, move or activate blood, eliminate pain, promote the regeneration of bone and soft tissues, prevent recurring weakness in that area, and enable a faster return to normal activities. This article presents a case of a 19-year-old boy with a left humerus fracture he acquired while skiing three years ago. He came to our clinic one and a half year after his injury because he couldn’t pick up his thumb, and the power of movement in his left hand was reduced. Over a period of one year, he underwent nine acupuncture treatments. Before the treatments, the patient, on the doctor’s recommendation, did physical therapy and exercises. After acupuncture treatments, he began to feel better, with more strength in his hand, better sensation, and improved mobility in his thumb. Acupuncture, as a part of TCM, provided significant improvements in the speed and quality of healing in cases of humeral fractures.
Keywords: Acupuncture, TCM, fracture, humerus, bone
ISSN 2955-2117
EISSN 2955-2133
Journal DOI
User information
Publisher: Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Tong Da Tang TCM, Skopje R.N. Macedonia