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ISSN 2955-2117
EISSN 2955-2133
Journal DOI
ISSN 2955-2117
EISSN 2955-2133
Journal DOI
Dear Esteemed Colleagues and Researchers,
After the successful publication of the previous four issues, Journal “Universes” has demonstrated its high efficiency and brilliance in seeking truth from facts. This makes me feel proud. Scientific research aims to further unveil the mystery of human civilization so that it can better serve human survival activities. However, this great process is not always smooth sailing. Publishing scientific research results in scientific journals is an indispensable procedure for completing a scientific research activity. Unfortunately, due to various factors such as business interests and the pursuit of fame, long and arduous scientific research activities have been seriously hindered. Many scientific researchers, whose outstanding successes cannot be published in international journals in a timely manner, have seen their talents buried and many high-value scientific research achievements remain undisplayed. Therefore, the positive significance of Journal “Universes” is to eliminate the influence of these negative factors, support young scientific research teams, and accelerate their success in the field of human scientific research. I wish that the journal will play a more active role in the field of scientific research in the future. Prof. Dr. MD Liu Guoren Head of editorial board OPEN ACCESS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH UNIVERSES, Vol 2 No 2, July 2024 Sichuan Rongxian TCM hostpital, P.R China, Association of practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture “Tong Da Tang TCM” - Skopje R.N. Macedonia
ISSN 2955-2117
EISSN 2955-2133
Journal DOI
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Publisher: Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Tong Da Tang TCM, Skopje R.N. Macedonia
